Wearables 101

Wearables 101


  • In order to play ICE poker, you need 1 requirement: an ICE poker NFT.
  • Each wearable has 5 upgradable ranks. (Rank 1 - 5)
  • Benefits of upgrading a wearable: higher ICE earning bonus %
  • Requirement of upgrading:
  • Level 1 —> 2 = 5,000 $ICE + 100 $DG + 50 xp
  • Level 2 —> 3 = 7,500 $ICE + 100 $DG + 75 xp
  • Level 3 —> 4 = 10,000 $ICE + 100 $DG + 100 xp
  • Level 4 —> 5 = 12,000 $ICE + 100 $DG + 125 xp
    1. image

      — Split % for different rank wearables —

    2. Rank 1 wearable = 60% to player, 40% to owner
    3. Rank 2 wearable = 57% to player, 43% to owner
    4. Rank 3 wearable = 54% to player, 46% to owner
    5. Rank 4 wearable = 51% to player, 49% to owner
    6. Rank 5 wearable = 48% to player, 51% to owner

Wearable FAQ:

Where can I buy wearables right now?

On the OpenSea marketplace

What is a ‘mint’?

Mints happen ~2 times per month. Mints usually sell out quick, as the NFTs are discounted and released in collections of 1,250 total wearables per drop. See previous mints HERE.

How can I participate in a mint?

Have at least 1,000 $xDG in your wallet, and see if there are any other requirements for the current mint in the discord #announcements channel.

When is the next mint?

No set dates, but usually every 2 weeks. Check the Discord #announcements channel for more info.

Why is the floor price of earlier collections higher than others?

Earlier “OG” collections like the Suit / blazer one you see on the right only released 100 of each piece of clothing. People like rare things in the NFT space.

I just bought a wearable off OpenSea, my dashboard says I have to “Activate it”?

Yes, wearables purchased outside of official mints require 500 $DG to be paid.

Why do two level 1 werables have different bonus % ?
  • Because the bonus % is random when an NFT is minted or upgraded. If you aren’t happy with your bonus, you can pay to upgrade your NFT and hope for a much better bonus.
What are the bonus % ranges for each rank wearable?
  • Rank 1 = 1-7%
  • Rank 2 = 8-15%
  • Rank 3 = 16-24%
  • Rank 4 = 25-34%
  • Rank 5 = 35-45%
How do I get “XP” ?
  • XP can be earned through either you playing with your wearables (completing daily challenges), or your delegates playing with your wearables!

Delegating Your Wearables

Delegation just means “renting out” your wearables to another wallet, so they can play with your NFT for free, while both of you earn $$$ from their gameplay.
  1. Go to your ICE poker dashboard: HERE
  2. Navigate to your ICE wearables
  3. Click the “delegate” button under the NFT you wish to delegate out
  4. Paste the metamask address in, of the player you want to delegate to.