Finding a Delegator

Finding a Delegator

ICE poker is play to earn, meaning you don’t need to pay for an NFT in order to start, you have the option of getting one delegated to you for FREE! (profit split)

Step 1: Joining the DG Discord


Step 2: Scroll to ICE Section:

  • Fill out a form in the Delegation-Application chat, it will then get posted to delegate-forms, where owners can find you.
  • Also, feel free to introduce yourself, and build relationships with the community in the ice-chat channel.
  • You can verify that people are NFT owners if they have a β€œ πŸ’ŽΒ β€ next to their name in the discord.
  • DO NOT spam NFT owners in DMs, they don’t like this.
You can also head over to Twitter, follow the decentral games account, and through that, follow community members and owners, and network thru here to find delegators.